BCI is a referral based Business Networking Organization.
We pledge to support each other by being a customer as well as giving referrals of potential clients.
Learning is Primary Element of BCI. We invite Experienced Business Owners every month to share their success story. We learn from them and implement their strategies to our business to grow ahead.
We meet Once in a month so as to save working hours and meet every 3-4 members once in a week to understand each other's business and benefit mutually.
We inspire Creativity by playing games. We also do Speed Networking for about 20-25 minutes where members can introduce each other.
Referrals Passed
Business Generated
Before The Meeting
Increased exposure, Business referrals and Learning. Getting referrals is what we all want but we also learn how to recognise opportunities to help other members along the way.
Opportunity to meet delegation from other regions and industries to expand your business.
The members only are not your direct customers. Do not Sell “To” the Room but Sell “Thru” the Room Every member is your personal Sales force. Teach them your Product and they will sell for you. Get help from your circle members to reach to your target.
Register yourself at Registaration Desk. They will guide you for further meeting.
Reach Early by half an hour. Bring Lots of id="faq-sec"Visiting Cards. Meet BCI Members and share ideas of helping each other.
During The Meeting
Visit in Business Attire. Dress Code - Formals, Blazer or Koti.
The rules on bringing product to the meeting are as follows:
Visitor will get chance to present their business for 30 seconds after the BCI Members complete their presentation.
Key Element of the Meeting is Learning & Business Networking. Take Notes from Speakers who shares their Life sharing growth. Implement those notes in our organisation which fits to your business.
When BCI Member presents their 1 minute presentation and if they have any specific ask. Note them if you can help any of the member than help them by sharing your contacts after meeting.
After The Meeting
Membership fees for BCI is ₹0
Fill up the Membership Application Form from Folder which you have received at Registaration Desk.
Membership Co-ordinator Team will help you with your queries, you can get aligned with them after the meet.
You can find the membership form here
Courier your cheque or transfer the Contribution Fees. Your Profile will be scrutinised and if it fits than Membership Team will get in touch with you.